Rebecca Holler
Account Profile

Rebecca Holler
Stormwater Specialist / Training Technician
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
138 West Bishop Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Cell: (814) 424-5339
[email protected]
Stormwater Specialist / Training Technician
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
138 West Bishop Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Cell: (814) 424-5339
[email protected]
Rebecca has been employed with PA Rural Water since 2020 and is a Stormwater Specialist and Training Technician. Rebecca spent most of her professional life working with non-profits and county government in various environmental fields. She has assisted with various stormwater related projects from design to funding. Additionally, she has served on the board of PA Environmental Educators and has provided training to many diverse audiences. She has worked with many small organizations helping them to grow, meet regulations and accomplish their goals.