Funding for Systems

Funding For Systems
The system houses information on over 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for federal grant-making agencies.
USDA Rural Development
The United States Department of Agriculture designates significant funding for rural community development and water resources. Funding is available not only for water and wastewater infrastructure but also for customers within your system in need of financial assistance. Find your local Rural Development (RD) office today by clicking here to learn more about funding opportunities through USDA RD.
- Water and Waste Disposal Guaranteed Loan Program – This program provides a loan guarantee for the construction or improvement of water and waste disposal projects in financially needed communities of rural areas.
- Water and Waste Loan and Grant Program – This program aims to develop water and waste disposal systems in rural areas and towns with a population of not more than 10,000. Funding is available to public bodies, non-profit corporations, and Indian tribes.
- Water & Waste Disposal Technical Assistance & Training Grants – This program helps qualified, private nonprofits provide technical assistance and training to identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste problems; helps applicants prepare applications for water and waste disposal loans/grants; and helps associations improve the operation and maintenance of water and waste facilities in eligible rural areas.
- Water & Waste Disposal Predevelopment Grant – This Grant assists low-income communities with the initial planning and development of an application for USDA Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal direct loan/grant and loan guarantee programs. The program covers a maximum of $30,000 or 75% of the predevelopment planning costs. This program may be beneficial for small communities that cannot afford system upgrade planning costs.
- Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households (SEARCH) Grant– This program helps very small (less than 2,501 population), financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design, and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects.
- Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants – This program helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water.
- Single Family Housing – This program allows very low-income homeowners in eligible rural areas to secure funding for repairs or improvements to their homes with grants eligible for applicants over 62.
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) administers Pennsylvania’s full suite of Revolving Fund Programs.
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund – DRSF is a program funded through EPA and co-administered by PA DEP that offers low-interest rates and the possibility for grants or principal forgiveness to assist private for-profit and public non-profit entities. DRSF funding can be used for the construction, expansion, and maintenance of drinking water facilities (treatment plants, distribution mains, storage facilities) or improvements and upgrades to water quality systems.
National Rural Water Association
The National Rural Water Association (NRWA), with its affiliated state rural water associations, is the largest water and wastewater utility membership organization in the United States of America.
- National Rural Water Fund (RWLF) is a funding program specifically designed to meet the unique needs of small water and wastewater utilizes in pre-project planning, system upgrades and maintenance, energy efficiency projects, and disaster recovery and emergency funding.
Economic Development Administration
The EDA is an agency within the United State Department of Commerce that provides grants and technical assistance to economically distressed communities in order to grow or maintain industry, commerce, and employment opportunities.
- Public Works Program empowers distressed communities to revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure to protect long-term, private sector jobs and investments.
PNC Bank
PNC Bank offers… Check out our PNC Bank page today.
PA Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED)
PA DCED focuses on sustainable development initiatives.
- The PA Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) was established as an independent agency to administer Pennsylvania’s economic stimulus packages including funding to assist municipal authorities in the construction of drinking water, stormwater, and sanitary sewer projects.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is the Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America’s housing needs by improving and developing the Nation’s communities and enforcing fair housing laws.
- The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program supports community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities. To support community development, activities are identified through an ongoing process. Activities may address needs such as infrastructure, economic development projects, public facilities installation, community centers, housing rehabilitation, public services, clearance/acquisition, microenterprise assistance, code enforcement, homeowner assistance, etc.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC)
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission exists through a tri-state compact to enhance public welfare through comprehensive planning, water supply allocation, and management of the water resources of the Susquehanna River Basin.
- The Consumptive Mitigation Grant Program is funding for projects that provide water supply storage at federal, state, and/or private-owned water storage assets for use in offsetting CU during low flow periods. This includes projects that increase water capacity via system interconnections to mitigate drought-related water supply emergencies. (Opens November, Closes January) See a comprehensive list of grant projects here.
- The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is pleased to announce a second round of its Groundwater Level Monitoring Grant Program. The program is designed to assist projects with collecting and reporting water level data in groundwater wells within the Susquehanna River Basin.
PA DEP Growing Greener
The PA DEP Growing Greener Program offers 40 grant and rebate programs to support a range of projects to improve or protect the water, land, and air in Pennsylvania. By contacting a local conservation partner like a county conservation district or watershed association, you may find applications already in progress that can be expanded to address concerns within your source water protection areas.
EPA Source Water Funding
The US EPA Funding Integration Tool for Source Water (FITS) is a one-stop-shop tool that explains how users can integrate various federal funding sources to support activities that protect sources of drinking water. Navigate between source water protection funding sources, planning and funding coordination information, and examples of funding sources in action, to inspire your own source water protection activities.
Call us at 800-653-7792, email the team, or contact a dedicated team member below.

Joe Falcone
Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
Office: (800) 653-7792 x 102
Cell: (814) 404-6866
[email protected]