About PRWA

Serving Water and Wastewater Systems Since 1988!
Vision Statement
The vision of the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association is to be the leader among utility associations providing services and benefits that exceed membership needs and expectations.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association is to work cooperatively within the industry to support not only its members but all the water and wastewater utilities throughout the Commonwealth with professional technical support, certified training, legislative representation, and other valuable services and benefits.
About PRWA
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association is unique as it is a member-supported, non-profit, non-governmental organization. PRWA represents and assists systems responsible for protecting their communities’ health, economy, and environment by treating water. This includes drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater at the community, industrial or commercial level.
PRWA supports these efforts by providing leadership and technical expertise in utility operation, maintenance, and management. PRWA’s “hands-on” approach to technical assistance and training enables members to become more sustainable as they learn by doing. PRWA staff also seek out state-of-the-art technology and stay at the forefront of treatment strategies. This allows staff to assist systems in becoming as self-sustaining as possible in an ever-changing world.
PRWA provides a voice for Pennsylvania’s rural water and wastewater utilities. The interests of the collective membership are taken to state and national governmental agencies and regulators. This allows even the smallest system to have a voice and all systems to benefit from a united effort with greater strength.

Joe Falcone
Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
Office: (800) 653-7792 x 102
Cell: (814) 404-6866
[email protected]

Ralph Stewart
President, District 4
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association, Bellefonte Borough
236 West Lamb Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823